Lava Mobile has recently launched its new dual-SIM Android smartphone, the Lava Iris N400. Folks in India can grab this handset for cost Rs 6,399 (that’s mean $115) outright at Flipkart.
Running on Android 4.0.1 Ice Cream Sandwich software, the Lava Iris N400 smartphone is powered by a 1GHz single-core processor, 512MB of RAM, 512MB of ROM, and 127MB of internal memory.
The Iris N400 has two GSM SIM card slots and single microSD card slot (up to 32GB). New phone packs a 4-inch capacitive touchscreen display with 800 x 480 resolutions and two cameras (5MP front and 0.3MP rear-facing).
Other features are Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, GPS, and a 1500mAh Li-Ion battery. The Lava Iris N400 dual-SIM smartphone is measuring 63 x 125 x 10.2 mm.
The dual SIM Lava Iris n400 GSM mobile phone features Android v4.0 OS. This mobile has an 5 MP primary camera, digital zoom, night vision, video recording and flash. It has an internal memory that is expandable up to 32 GB with microSD to store your music and video files. This phone has 1 GHz processor that offers superior performance. The 4 inch TFT capacitive touchscreen display, with 400 x 800p resolution, gives you vibrant images. This Lava Iris n400 dual SIM mobile supports 2G and 3G networks.