Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Yahoo! Mail gets an overhaul for iOS, Android, and Windows 8, but Yahoo has to learn Photoshop better

Yahoo! Mail might no longer be the mail solution everyone is using, but truth is it is still pretty popular, and now it’s been given an overhaul with a brand new web email client. Yahoo chief executive Marissa Mayer broke the news herself on the company’s blog.

The new Yahoo! Mail will have a consistent look that is rolling out to all platforms starting from the Windows 8 desktop and the web, and going to iOS and Android.

The update brings a cleaner look, with a more intuitive inbox across platforms.

Weirdly, the new look is coming as an iPhone and iPod touch-only app with no iPad support. Here is Yahoo CEO Mayer explaining the ideas behind this update:

A curious little fact is that Yahoo has just gone over the top with Photoshop here as the Android app depicted running on a Samsung Galaxy S III is clearly not true to reality. The Galaxy S III does not have on screen buttons (the Nexus devices do), so for whatever reason Yahoo has clearly decided to Photoshop the wrong screenshot on top of a Galaxy S III placeholder image.

View the original article here

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