Monday, December 10, 2012

Startup Launches Cutting Edge Photo App, Wrap Digital Images Like Cloth!

Kolkata, India – Computer Vision startup, Techbla has released a new photo editing app named Wrapcam 1.01. As the name implies, the app allows the user to wrap or roll digital photos just like one rolls paper or cloth. This allows images to take varied shapes which literally makes the photo look like pieces of cloth in color. In order for this to be done the team at TechBLA has developed a new algorithm which allows the user to access the pixels of the image directly and change them into whatever shape and form possible. In some cases even the structure of the photo can be changed as well, all of this just by the swipe of a finger.

The Developers have provided a rich set of tools such as filters, color, lights and frame effects to enhance the quality of the app. As per Pranav Agarwal (CEO & Founder) who has stated that they have created an app where everything has been redeveloped from grounds up.

In the words of the CEO, “The 21 filters given in the app are unique and many of the effects have been introduced for the first time in the market. The best part is the ability to create customized filter effects by combining one filter on top of an another which literally allows thousands of new customized combinations to be made.”

As per company sources, this very philosophy has been used for development of all the features and particular attention has been given to make the app very easy to use. “You can just use one finger to create your photo art,” commented Madhurima lead designer for the app.

The developers have provided a rich set of text, visual and video instructions which allows one to learn to use the app with ease. The app is available on the iPhone/iPod and is specially been optimized for iPhone 5/iPod 5.

The developers have reported that future upgrades are in testing and will be released shortly and an iPad and Android version are in development as well which will be out in the market very soon.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 15.2 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Wrapcam 1.01 is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Photo & Video category.

TechBLA is a computer vision and gaming startup specializing in developing cutting edge apps which focus on blending design and technology to create the next generation of apps for smart phones and tablets. Copyright (C) 2012 TechBLA. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

View the original article here

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