The other day, we told you that there was a rumor revolving around a new 8 inch tablet for Samsung. Now, the head of Samsung Mobile, J.K. Shin, is confirming that the tablet will make its way to Barcelona next month for MWC. With an 8 inch screen, this device would be aimed squarely at the Apple iPad mini. We've seen the benchmark numbers for the GT-N5100 and the GT-N5110 and we believe that it could be the tablet in question. The achilles heel of the Apple iPad mini has been its screen resolution so Samsung is whacking away right at it with resolution of 1280 x 800 on the 8 inch slate, according to the benchmark tests. That is the same resolution Sammy put on the Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1, but on an 8 inch screen. Additionally, the tablet could be powered with a quad-core 1.6GHz Exynos 4412 processor. 2GB of RAM will be on board and there will be both a 16GB model and one packing 32GB. You can always expand the storage using the 32GB capacity microSD slot. Back and front camera weigh in at 5MP and 1.3MP respectively, and a 4600mAh battery keeps the fan blades turning. Android 4.2 would be installed right out of the box.
The initial specs show Wi-Fi and HSPA+ (21Mbps) connectivity and no word about LTE. We apparently will know more about this model since Mr. Shin says that the tablet will be included with the rest of the luggage coming to Barcelona in February.
source: INews24 (translated) via Engadget
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